Dogs from our Past



Am/Can BISS Ch SumerWynd's Dana of Isengard HXAd MX MXJ CDX TD TT WDX-C ROM

BSCA Conformation HOF Herding HOF Agility HOF

Bred by Dennette Cockley - Owned and Trained by Lorra Miller - Handled by Penny King



Select Ch Greenfields Zibelle OA NAJ CGC


OFA # 1933E36F-T;  El143-T CERF ;  652/2000-100  MSU Thyroid Normal


May 1992 - February 2003


Lost to hemangiosarcoma of the liver. She is missed by our whole family.


Belle produced many lovely offspring with strong working attitudes. She has 9 champions, including two group placers. to date with several more pointed and is the dam of 'Chill', Best in Sweepstakes and RWB at the BSCA 2002 Natl. 

Belle tied for Pedigree Top Producer 2003.


Belle's Pedigree


Breeders: Ellen Haro and Betty Cianciarulo    Owners: Lorra Miller and Betty Cianciarulo



Ch Isengard's Front Runner CD NA


(BISS Ch Rolin Ridge's Fourteen Karat CD HIC ROM HOF x Select Ch Isengard's Calendar Girl HIC TT)



August 1988 - February 1998


Hip BSD1444G41M ; EL BSD84M80 ; CERF BSD-244.


Lost to a rare prostate inflamation problem post neutering.



Breeder/Owner/Handler: Lorra Miller



Ch Brenna v Siegestor UDT TT ROM


(Am/Mex Ch. OTCh Windstorm v Siegestor TD Sch III Ch HOF x Ch Van Mell's Petite Chou Noire)


February 1977 - December 1991


Hips BSD-379-T -- Eyes normal at 10 years.


My first Belgian and soulmate. A great working dog and producer.



Breeder: Kurt Marti -- Owner/Handler: Lorra Acord Miller